1Win Privacy Policy

1Win highly values your personal data and is committed to its protection. This Privacy Policy explains to you how 1Win collects your information and uses it.

What Personal Information Does 1Win Collect?

The account registration process on 1Win platform might require providing the company with such personal information as your name, email, birth date, residential address, and payment details. Every detail asked by 1Win is aimed at providing you the best service.

Similarly, 1Win website and mobile app use cookies and tracking technologies to collect the non-personal information about you. In such a way, we learn more about your device or computer, IP address, manner of using, or browsing through our website or app.

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What personal information 1Win collects

How Does 1Win Use Your Information?

1Win collects and uses the personal information shared by you to:

  • check and confirm your identity and ability to use our services;
  • carry out your transactions;
  • keep you informed on the account or our promotional offers;
  • enhance the user experience, as well as improve the existing services.

Moreover, non-personal data is used for analytical purposes to help 1Win get a clearer vision of user’s behavior while on the platform and introduce necessary improvements.

Data Protection

1Win does everything to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

The company has a strict data policy and provides access to the data only to the employees who will use the information to provide you with the service.


As the service evolves and gains new features, Privacy Policy may be changed by 1Win. All the significant changes will be reported to you by email or through the notification on the website.

User Rights

The user can claim their rights, including the right to access, correct, object to processing, remove or restrict processing, right to proceed and the right to complaint.

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